JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology that helps software developers create dynamically generated web pages based on HTML, XML, or other document types. Released in 1999 by Sun Microsystems. JSP is similar to PHP, but it uses the Java… Read more ›
Hibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) library for the Java language which is licensed under the open source GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), providing a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Hibernate… Read more ›
Groovy … is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. It can be used as a scripting language for the Java Platform, is dynamically compiled to Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bytecode, and interoperates with other Java code and… Read more ›
JavaScript (JS) is an interpreted computer programming language. It was originally implemented as part of web browsers so that client-side scripts could interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that was displayed. The… Read more ›
Representational State Transfer (REST) is a style of software architecture for distributed systems such as the World Wide Web. REST has emerged as a predominant web service design model. The term representational state transfer was introduced and defined in… Read more ›
The Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply as Oracle) is an object-relational database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. Larry Ellison and his friends, former co-workers Bob Miner and Ed Oates, started the… Read more ›
MySQL (“My Sequel”) is (as of 2008) the world’s most used open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. It is named after co-founder Michael Widenius’ daughter, My. The… Read more ›
NoSQL DEFINITION: Next Generation Databases mostly address some of the points: being non-relational, distributed, open-source and horizontally scalable. The original intention has been modern web-scale databases. The movement began early 2009 and is growing rapidly. Often more characteristics apply such… Read more ›
LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, is an Internet protocol that email and other programs use to look up information from a server. The terms “LDAP” and “LDAPv3” are commonly used to refer informally to the protocol specified by this… Read more ›
JOSSO, or Java Open Single Sign-On, is an open source Internet SSO solution for rapid and standards-based Internet-scale Single Sign-On implementations, allowing secure Internet access to the Web-based applications or services of customers, suppliers, and business partners. With Single… Read more ›
Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework. It is the de-facto standard for securing Spring-based applications. Spring Security is one of the most mature and widely used Spring projects. Founded in 2003 and actively… Read more ›